Studiedag ICT en Onderwijs in de Humaniora

Social Media for academic purposes: digitaal leren en samenwerken per blog en Twitter

dr. Giselle Bosse
Universiteit Maastricht

Academic education still is insufficiently attuned to society's digital habitat, in terms of content as well as technology. Innovative enterprises in this domain are relatively small. By contrast, students and teachers have to cooperate, communicate and exchange information through virtual learning environments that are considered as superseded and inflexible. Not a motivating incentive for students, neither is it inspiring for progressive teaching staff.

To keep in touch with this digital playing field, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences utilizes social software for learning, collaboration, information exchange etc. Recently, also Twitter has been used within a communal blog. Scene of the action has been Civil Society and European Integration, a module which is part of the Master European Studies. This set-up was also part of the SURFnet/Kennisnet Innovation programme in 2011.

The presentation will be given by module coordinator Giselle Bosse. She will adress the module's educational design and deployment of social software for academic purposes.

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